I don't know what it is with braids an summer weather. They just match perfectly. The last few weeks were warmer and sunnier then i am used to in march/april. I think of you peeps in the rainy cloudy Germany! So i was tired of the good old ponytail, messy bun or open hair so i tried a few braided hairstyles.

Still a ponytail, but a bit different then the normal old one. Just through your hair up into a ponytail, braid it, loosen it up a bit and secure it with a clear elastic. Done. It is still the loved ponytail, but it looks like you but a bit more effort into it.
I don't remember the last time i wore two braids. Maybe with twelve? Maybe even younger? But instead of the normal three-strand braid you do a fishtail braid. It doesn't look like the schoolgirl coming from school (or the Britney Spierce touch...). It is a bit more grown up, but i feel like the twelve year old me again with those two braids. Just part your hair into two parts and braid each part into a fishtail braid. Secure it with a elastic and i like to pull the strand a bit out, to make the braids look more volumnious.
I don't remember the last time i wore two braids. Maybe with twelve? Maybe even younger? But instead of the normal three-strand braid you do a fishtail braid. It doesn't look like the schoolgirl coming from school (or the Britney Spierce touch...). It is a bit more grown up, but i feel like the twelve year old me again with those two braids. Just part your hair into two parts and braid each part into a fishtail braid. Secure it with a elastic and i like to pull the strand a bit out, to make the braids look more volumnious.
I copied this look from Fleur de Force's "Braided Hairstyles" Video and i just love it. You braid a fishtail braid and then a dutch braid on the side of your head to your ear. Then you have the hair out of your face (or the ot behaving fringe covered), but your hair isn't pulled up completely.
I do love a good waterfall braid. Hair out of the face, but still loose hair. Easy and it only takes a few minutes. This is a hairstyle i am mostly going for, when my fringe isn't behaving like it should or the hair in my face is annoying me too much.
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