
Books, books and more books

When i first thought about this category i wanted to do it monthly and write about all the books i read in this month. Sometimes it doesn't work out the way you thought. This kind of posts will come up round about every two month and i will only talk about my top five books i read in this time. So i don't have to read like crazy (what i still do) and you don't get overwhelmed with a ton of book recommandations. (I did the short descriptions on my own, but you can go and check out the official description too if you like). Let's get started.

I am late on this one like i am late on everything (haha). I really liked the film although everybody, who read the books first. didn't. After watching the film for the third time i decided i wanted to read the book. I really like the world and the setting of the book, because it is well thought through and darker, sexier and more evil than other books from this genre. I think the book is better than the film (the film is still good though), because you get a whole lot more of information about the world, the story and the background.

"It is about a "normal" girl named Clary, who has to deal with normal world and normal girl problems. One time she goes to a club with her best friend Simon and follows a strange boy into the backroom. But the boy isn't alone, there are three young people in there with him, who kill this boy. One of them, Jace, tells her about strange things, that the boy is a demon and they will send him back into his dimension. When Simon appears to look, what happend to Clary, he doesn't seem to see the three people in the room and Clary starts to question herself. She refuses to believe, that what Jace told her is true, but then her mother disappears after she got attacked and a strange animal thing tries to kill Clary. By trying to find her mother Clary gets sucked into a world full of demons, shadowhunters and dark creatures, she didn't know existed. She finds out, that nothing is as she thought it was."

A book about Princesses for my inner princess (putting on my imaginary crown). I wanted to read this for a long time and i finally picked it up. By the way this is the first english book i read without being forced and it got me into the english reading (it's not so hard as i expected it to be). The book is maybe a little bit tacky in a too romantic, cliché kind of way, but i still like it. At first it was hard to get into the world, because there was no explanation of the system etc of the world, but after a few pages i got it. Surprinsingly this is a series where i like every book of the three and not only the first.

"Prince Maxon of Illea will chose a women, the future queen, in his Selection. The Selection will be formed by 35 girls picked randomly out of the applications from the whole country. America's mother wants her so bad to participate in the competition, but America does not want to marry the prince or be queen one day. Her secret love and friend Aspen wants her to at least send in her application, becuase both of them never believed she, America Singer, could be picked. But she did. America has to participate in a competition the never want to be in, with her heart set for someone else and a prince, she isn't interested in. But as always things are different than expected and America gets torn between her feelings."

I randomly picked this book up, because i liked the background text and i wanted to read ne dystopian novels. This is a more fanatsy like, with magical powers and of course a love story. And in the end a lot of war. One thing that made the book stand out from others was the way the author wrote. She has a very unique kind of writing i never saw/read before and i loved it. Again i don't really like the end of the series, because i would like the book to end different, but whatever. I still really like the idea of the series. Out of the three the first book is my favorite.

"Juliette is locked away in a dark room with only one window and noone to speak to for years. She is a monster. She can kill someone with her bare skin and everyone who touches her skin will suffer incredible pain. But everything changes, when a boy gets thrown into her prison. Why did they do this? Juliette has to face the fact, that she can't hide from this boy forever. And to survive at this dark place they have to work together. But the boy isn't who he pretends to be, he frees Juliette from the prison and her whole life and view of the world is about to change. And the boy, Adam, is able to touch her without getting hurt. This is the first opportunity for her to love without being scared."

Another Trilogy where i like the world and the basic idea of the book. This was a recommendation at my local bookstore and i don't regret buying it. This is another series where i liked every book and the story didn't lost it's way or it's drive after the first book. This is again dystopian and of course with a love story (which is a love story i really liked though).

"Amor deliria nervosa is a disease that nearly killed the entire human kind. Now "love" is declared as a dangerous disease and everyone over eighteen will be healed, so they will never be able to fall in love anymore. Lena believes in this and can't wait to live her life after the operation. Her best friend Hana does not want to be healed and drags Lena into the dangerous and adventorous world of the rebelious young people. But Lena isn't convinced until she meets Alex and doubts if love is really so dangerous."

For the record i am obsessed with the Divergent Trilogy ( i read the whole series probably three times in a row) and the film and with Four (i mean just...yummy!). And i really like to get the other point of view from the two main characters (for example in Twilight or in the shattered series). It is refreshing and interesting to read the story from the other point of view and you know things you otherwise wouldn't. Futhermore the story of Four on it's own is worth a book, so i am happy there is one about it. Most of the time i was reading the matching passages in both books at the same time to have both point of views (yes, that's weird.)

"This book includes 4 short stories. Three about Fours life before he meets Tris. What is going on in his head, when he is in te situation to decide about his future life and decides to go to Dauntless? How does he experience the time as an initiator and what happens in this time? His life after completing the initiation and his struggle to claim his place in Dauntless. And finally how Four experience his meetings with Tris and what is going on behind his head."

What are your favorite books or which ones did you read this month?

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